Imaginary Friend

Описание и характеристики

Christopher Reese has been through a lot by the age of seven. He will go through much more before he turns eight.
All his mother Kate Reese ever wanted to do is protect him. She will have to do that more than she ever imagined.
Their new home, the town of Mill Grove, Pennsylvania, is sleepy, ordinary, and isolated. In other words: perfect for what is about to happen.
Something that will deeply mark everyone: from Christopher and his mother, to the local sheriff, the residents of the retirement home, and every student at the school.
Something which no one can explain, but everyone can feel. Something that will change everything...
ID товара 2847143
Издательство Orion
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-40-918482-9
Количество страниц 847
Размер 5x12.7x19.8
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 600
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Цена товара — от 1 399 ₽
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5 оценок
Christopher Reese has been through a lot by the age of seven. He will go through much more before he turns eight.
All his mother Kate Reese ever wanted to do is protect him. She will have to do that more than she ever imagined.
Their new home, the town of Mill Grove, Pennsylvania, is sleepy, ordinary, and isolated. In other words: perfect for what is about to happen.
Something that will deeply mark everyone: from Christopher and his mother, to the local sheriff, the residents of the retirement home, and every student at the school.
Something which no one can explain, but everyone can feel. Something that will change everything...