The Turn of the Key

Описание и характеристики

When Rowan stumbles across the advert, it seems like too good an opportunity to miss: a live-in nanny position, with a very generous salary. And when she arrives at Heatherbrae House, she is smitten by the luxurious "smart" home fitted out with all modern conveniences by a picture-perfect family.
What she doesn’t know is that she’s stepping into a nightmare - one that will end with a child dead and her in cell awaiting trial for murder.
She knows she’s made mistakes. But she’s not guilty - at least not of murder. Which means someone else is...
ID товара 2826658
Издательство Vintage Books
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-78-470855-9
Количество страниц 340
Размер 17.5x11x2.2
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 219

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3 оценки
When Rowan stumbles across the advert, it seems like too good an opportunity to miss: a live-in nanny position, with a very generous salary. And when she arrives at Heatherbrae House, she is smitten by the luxurious "smart" home fitted out with all modern conveniences by a picture-perfect family.
What she doesn’t know is that she’s stepping into a nightmare - one that will end with a child dead and her in cell awaiting trial for murder.
She knows she’s made mistakes. But she’s not guilty - at least not of murder. Which means someone else is...