The Tower of Fools


Описание и характеристики

The first in an epic new trilogy set during the vibrantly depicted Hussite Wars by Andrzej Sapkowski, author of the bestselling Witcher series an international phenomenon which inspired the bestselling videogame franchise and the massively popular Netflix series.

Reinmar of Bielawa, sometimes known as Reynevan, is a doctor, a magician and, according to some, a charlatan.

Discovered in bed with the wife ot a high-born knight, he must flee his normal life. But his journeys will lead him into a part ot Europe which will be overtaken by chaos. Religious tension between Hussite and Catholic countries is threatening to turn into war.

Pursued not only by the affronted Stercza brothers, bent on vengeance but also by the Holy Inquisition, and with strange, mystical forces gathering in the shadows, Reynevan finds himself in the Narrenturm, the Tower of Fools. The Tower is an asylum for the mad, or for those who dare to think differently and challenge the prevailing order.

But can Reynevan escape the Tower, and avoid being drawn in to the conflict around him, without losing his own mind?
ID товара 2873331
Издательство Не установлено
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-47-322614-2
Количество страниц 576
Размер 19.7x12.9x3.4
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 400
803 ₽
1 321 ₽
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4 оценки
The first in an epic new trilogy set during the vibrantly depicted Hussite Wars by Andrzej Sapkowski, author of the bestselling Witcher series an international phenomenon which inspired the bestselling videogame franchise and the massively popular Netflix series.

Reinmar of Bielawa, sometimes known as Reynevan, is a doctor, a magician and, according to some, a charlatan.

Discovered in bed with the wife ot a high-born knight, he must flee his normal life. But his journeys will lead him into a part ot Europe which will be overtaken by chaos. Religious tension between Hussite and Catholic countries is threatening to turn into war.

Pursued not only by the affronted Stercza brothers, bent on vengeance but also by the Holy Inquisition, and with strange, mystical forces gathering in the shadows, Reynevan finds himself in the Narrenturm, the Tower of Fools. The Tower is an asylum for the mad, or for those who dare to think differently and challenge the prevailing order.

But can Reynevan escape the Tower, and avoid being drawn in to the conflict around him, without losing his own mind?