Описание и характеристики

Escape or die trying…
Three people are kidnapped across California.
Sophie is locked inside a derelict warehouse.
Henry is abandoned in remote woodland.
Elizabeth is trapped inside a sinking ship.
They are alive, but dont have much time to live…
Only one man can save them: unique investigator Colter Shaw. Hes an expert tracker with a forensic mind, but this will be a test even for him.
Because this killer isnt following the rules; hes changing them. One murder at a time…
ID товара 2826364
Издательство Harper Collins Publishers
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-00-830377-8
Количество страниц 458
Размер 17.7x11x2.7
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 259
Только в розничных магазинах
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Москва Нет в наличии

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2 оценки
Escape or die trying…
Three people are kidnapped across California.
Sophie is locked inside a derelict warehouse.
Henry is abandoned in remote woodland.
Elizabeth is trapped inside a sinking ship.
They are alive, but dont have much time to live…
Only one man can save them: unique investigator Colter Shaw. Hes an expert tracker with a forensic mind, but this will be a test even for him.
Because this killer isnt following the rules; hes changing them. One murder at a time…