The Fox. A Girl of the Streets (Лис. Мэгги, девчонка с улицы), на английском языке

Описание и характеристики

D.H. Lawrence has been acclaimed and damned for his extremely honest novel of love.
Lady Chatterleys Lover. Thousands have read that once - banned book.
Not so with The Fox This impressive story of a tormented love triangle has remained
relatively unknown. The Fox is Lawrences brilliant novel of two manless women and the
intruder who threatens their love - truly a hidden masterpiece of sensuality and desire.

«Maggie: A Girl of the Streets» tells of misery life in the slum districts of New York. The
story was published in 1893 under a pseudonym.
Today, most critics look upon «Maggie» as a classic of the literature of social protest. To
be sure, the autor of this true-to-life portrayal of rotten society offers no solution to the
problem. Yet no one can deny that the story was written with deep conviction that
something had to be done, that a stop had to be put to human waste and degradation,
that social conditions had to be bettered.
ID товара 2041195
Издательство Юпитер-Интер
Год издания
ISBN 5954200564
Количество страниц 184
Размер 16.5x10.9x0.9
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Тираж 3000
Вес, г 90
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D.H. Lawrence has been acclaimed and damned for his extremely honest novel of love.
Lady Chatterleys Lover. Thousands have read that once - banned book.
Not so with The Fox This impressive story of a tormented love triangle has remained
relatively unknown. The Fox is Lawrences brilliant novel of two manless women and the
intruder who threatens their love - truly a hidden masterpiece of sensuality and desire.

«Maggie: A Girl of the Streets» tells of misery life in the slum districts of New York. The
story was published in 1893 under a pseudonym.
Today, most critics look upon «Maggie» as a classic of the literature of social protest. To
be sure, the autor of this true-to-life portrayal of rotten society offers no solution to the
problem. Yet no one can deny that the story was written with deep conviction that
something had to be done, that a stop had to be put to human waste and degradation,
that social conditions had to be bettered.