The Bad Guys in Alien Vs Bad Guys (the Bad Guys #6): Volume 6

Описание и характеристики

I wish I'd had these books as a kid. Hilarious! -- Dav Pilkey, creator of Captain Underpants and Dog ManThey may look like Bad Guys, but these wannabe heroes are doing good deeds...whether you like it or not! This New York Times bestselling illustrated series is perfect for fans of Dog Man and Captain Underpants.The Bad Guys are vanishing! A creature with TONS of teeth and WAY too many butts is stealing them, one by one. Is this the end for the Bad Guys? Maybe. Will it be funny? You bet your butts it will!
ID товара 2933839
Издательство Scholastic
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-33-818959-9
Количество страниц 138
Размер 19x14.9x1.2
Вес, г 170
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I wish I'd had these books as a kid. Hilarious! -- Dav Pilkey, creator of Captain Underpants and Dog ManThey may look like Bad Guys, but these wannabe heroes are doing good deeds...whether you like it or not! This New York Times bestselling illustrated series is perfect for fans of Dog Man and Captain Underpants.The Bad Guys are vanishing! A creature with TONS of teeth and WAY too many butts is stealing them, one by one. Is this the end for the Bad Guys? Maybe. Will it be funny? You bet your butts it will!