Описание и характеристики

One mistake is all it takes.Busted back to rookie after losing her gun in an interrogation gone bad, California Bureau of Investigation Agent Kathryn Dance finds herself making routine insurance checks after a roadhouse fire.But Dance is a highly trained expert in body language: her most deadly weapon is her instinct, and they can't take that away from her.And when the evidence at the club points to something more than a tragic accident, she isn't going to let protocol stop her doing everything in her power to take down the perp.Someone out there is using the panic of crowds to kill, and Dance must find out who, before he strikes again .
ID товара 2510936
Издательство ВБС Логистик
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-44-475743-9
Размер 19.7x12.7x3.4
Вес, г 400

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2 оценки
One mistake is all it takes.Busted back to rookie after losing her gun in an interrogation gone bad, California Bureau of Investigation Agent Kathryn Dance finds herself making routine insurance checks after a roadhouse fire.But Dance is a highly trained expert in body language: her most deadly weapon is her instinct, and they can't take that away from her.And when the evidence at the club points to something more than a tragic accident, she isn't going to let protocol stop her doing everything in her power to take down the perp.Someone out there is using the panic of crowds to kill, and Dance must find out who, before he strikes again .