Prepare. B2. Level 6. Students Book with eBook. Second Edition


Описание и характеристики

PREPARE 2nd edition Level 6 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with gradual preparation towards the revised 2020 B2 First for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with themes and resources relevant to their interests. The new Life Skills approach inspires learners to expand their horizons and knowledge and includes insights from The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. Teachers can relax knowing every unit drives students towards exam success and that the course is creating confident English users with the enhanced vocabulary and grammar syllabus. Access the online Student's eBook with interactive audio and video on Cambridge One.
ID товара 2960621
Издательство Cambridge University Press
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-00-903222-3
Количество страниц 160
Размер 29.7x21x0.7
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 450
3 254 ₽
3 669 ₽
+ до 488 бонусов
Последний экземпляр
В магазины сети, бесплатно
В понедельник, 20 мая Адреса магазинов
В пункты выдачи, 140 ₽
В понедельник, 20 мая Пункты выдачи
Доставка курьером, 225 ₽
В понедельник, 20 мая Варианты доставки

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PREPARE 2nd edition Level 6 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with gradual preparation towards the revised 2020 B2 First for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with themes and resources relevant to their interests. The new Life Skills approach inspires learners to expand their horizons and knowledge and includes insights from The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. Teachers can relax knowing every unit drives students towards exam success and that the course is creating confident English users with the enhanced vocabulary and grammar syllabus. Access the online Student's eBook with interactive audio and video on Cambridge One.