Описание и характеристики

A number of disparate lives converge at a remote seaside inn: a lovelorn professor, a renowned painter, an inscrutable seductress - and a beautiful young girl, fatally ill, brought to the sea by a desperate father's last hope. An intricate web of destinies and associations begins to reveal itself, but it is not until the arrival of a mysterious sailor called Adams that the truth in all its dreamlike beauty and cruelty becomes clear.

Alternately playful and profoundly serious, Baricco's novel surges with the hypnotic power of the ocean sea.
ID товара 2783216
Издательство Canongate
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-78-689643-8
Количество страниц 241
Размер 19.8x12.7x1.6
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 180

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2 оценки
A number of disparate lives converge at a remote seaside inn: a lovelorn professor, a renowned painter, an inscrutable seductress - and a beautiful young girl, fatally ill, brought to the sea by a desperate father's last hope. An intricate web of destinies and associations begins to reveal itself, but it is not until the arrival of a mysterious sailor called Adams that the truth in all its dreamlike beauty and cruelty becomes clear.

Alternately playful and profoundly serious, Baricco's novel surges with the hypnotic power of the ocean sea.