New Headway ELEM 4ED WB W/K + ICHECKER pack

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Headway Fourth Edition Elementary Workbook practises, revises and reinforces all the language presented in the Student's Book. It comes with the iChecker disc to help students identify areas where they need more study. .Elementary students are able to build on their knowledge of the language, to activate what they have learnt and get a real sense of progression in language learning.
ID товара 2693803
Издательство Oxford University Press
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-19-477052-1
Размер 27.6x22x0.4
Вес, г 259
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Headway Fourth Edition Elementary Workbook practises, revises and reinforces all the language presented in the Student's Book. It comes with the iChecker disc to help students identify areas where they need more study. .Elementary students are able to build on their knowledge of the language, to activate what they have learnt and get a real sense of progression in language learning.