My Phonics 1a Pupils Book with Cross-Platform Application

Описание и характеристики

My Phonics is a high quality 5-level phonics program designed to teach a phonics first and fast approach. It can be used before or alongside any English course. My Phonics presents high quality systematic, synthetic phonic work with the aim of helping young learners to decode print and become fluent readers and spellers!

The series is divided into the following levels:
1. My Phonics 1/My Phonics 1a & b: The Alphabet
2. My Phonics 2: Short Vowels
3. My Phonics 3: Long Vowels
4. My Phonics 4 : Consonant Blends
5. My Phonics 5 : Letter Combinations
Key Features:
- It practices blending and segmenting
- It presents pupils gradually with sight words
- It offers catchy songs based on traditional tunes
- It helps pupils develop phonemic strategies in order to decode shot cumulative stories and texts
- Phonics Flashcards to help present and practice the new letters/sounds
- Activity Books provide extra practise and consolidation
- The Teacher's Books provides step-by-step guidance as well as plenty of resources
ID товара 3003980
Издательство Express Publishing
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-47-156360-7
Количество страниц 72
Размер 28.5x21.5x0.5
Вес, г 280
1 779 ₽
+ до 266 бонусов
Последний экземпляр
В магазины сети, бесплатно
В пункты выдачи, 140 ₽
Доставка курьером, 225 ₽

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My Phonics is a high quality 5-level phonics program designed to teach a phonics first and fast approach. It can be used before or alongside any English course. My Phonics presents high quality systematic, synthetic phonic work with the aim of helping young learners to decode print and become fluent readers and spellers!

The series is divided into the following levels:
1. My Phonics 1/My Phonics 1a & b: The Alphabet
2. My Phonics 2: Short Vowels
3. My Phonics 3: Long Vowels
4. My Phonics 4 : Consonant Blends
5. My Phonics 5 : Letter Combinations
Key Features:
- It practices blending and segmenting
- It presents pupils gradually with sight words
- It offers catchy songs based on traditional tunes
- It helps pupils develop phonemic strategies in order to decode shot cumulative stories and texts
- Phonics Flashcards to help present and practice the new letters/sounds
- Activity Books provide extra practise and consolidation
- The Teacher's Books provides step-by-step guidance as well as plenty of resources