Less Than Zero

Описание и характеристики

Eighteen-year-old college student Clay is back in his hometown of Los Angeles for Christmas break. Clay is three things: rich, bored and looking to get high. As he reacquaints himself with a familiarly limitless world of privilege, along with his best friend and his ex, his shocking, stunning and disturbing adventure is filled with non-stop drinking in glamorous nightclubs, drug-fuelled parties, and endless sexual encounters.Published in 1985, when Bret Easton Ellis was just twenty-one, Less Than Zero is a fierce coming-of-age story which quickly defined a genre. A cult classic beloved for its dogged portrayal of hedonistic youth and the morally depraved, this extraordinary and instantly famous novel is a landmark in modern fiction: an inventive, precocious and invigorating story of getting what you want when you want it.
ID товара 2747112
Издательство Picador
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-02-747112-0
Количество страниц 195
Размер 19.5x13x1.4
Вес, г 189

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поистине интересная, неторопливая история студента, приехавшего в родной город на летние каникулы. знойная жара калифорнии, паранойя, наркотики, новые и старые знакомые, убийства на периферии и абсолютно безжалостная концовка - это всё, что вы найдёте в этом романе. обложка и английское издание, привезённое читай-городом заслуживают отдельной похвалы. в январе выходит новый роман автора - вот бы его тоже привезли. эллис уникален
Eighteen-year-old college student Clay is back in his hometown of Los Angeles for Christmas break. Clay is three things: rich, bored and looking to get high. As he reacquaints himself with a familiarly limitless world of privilege, along with his best friend and his ex, his shocking, stunning and disturbing adventure is filled with non-stop drinking in glamorous nightclubs, drug-fuelled parties, and endless sexual encounters.Published in 1985, when Bret Easton Ellis was just twenty-one, Less Than Zero is a fierce coming-of-age story which quickly defined a genre. A cult classic beloved for its dogged portrayal of hedonistic youth and the morally depraved, this extraordinary and instantly famous novel is a landmark in modern fiction: an inventive, precocious and invigorating story of getting what you want when you want it.