Just One... Includes Just One Day. Just One Year and Just One Night

Описание и характеристики

Gayle Forman's entire swoony JUST ONE trilogy in a single volume--ideal for binge reading!It all starts when American good girl Allyson--better known as Lulu-- decides to spend just one day in Paris with Dutch hottie Willem. It's a whirlwind adventure filled with heart-racing romance, but the next day Willem is gone without a trace. What follows is one year of searching that ends with a steamy reunion on the one wonderful night when they finally find one another again. Filled with mystery, drama, adventure, and of course romance, this is a swoony and satisfying entry point for new readers of Gayle Forman's bestselling fiction.Includes: Just One Day, Just One Year, and the novella Just One Night .
ID товара 2617400
Издательство Speak
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-45-147879-5
Количество страниц 746
Размер 20.9x13.9x4.2
Тип обложки Твердый переплёт
Вес, г 600

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2 оценки
Gayle Forman's entire swoony JUST ONE trilogy in a single volume--ideal for binge reading!It all starts when American good girl Allyson--better known as Lulu-- decides to spend just one day in Paris with Dutch hottie Willem. It's a whirlwind adventure filled with heart-racing romance, but the next day Willem is gone without a trace. What follows is one year of searching that ends with a steamy reunion on the one wonderful night when they finally find one another again. Filled with mystery, drama, adventure, and of course romance, this is a swoony and satisfying entry point for new readers of Gayle Forman's bestselling fiction.Includes: Just One Day, Just One Year, and the novella Just One Night .