Fragments of Horror

Описание и характеристики

An old wooden mansion that turns on its inhabitants. A dissection class with a most unusual subject. A funeral where the dead are definitely not laid to rest. Ranging from the terrifying to the comedic, from the erotic to the loathsome, these stories showcase Junji Itos long-awaited return to the world of horror.
ID товара 2934036
Издательство VIZ Media
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-42-158079-1
Количество страниц 224
Размер 21.7x15.3x2
Тип обложки Твердый переплёт
Вес, г 449

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An old wooden mansion that turns on its inhabitants. A dissection class with a most unusual subject. A funeral where the dead are definitely not laid to rest. Ranging from the terrifying to the comedic, from the erotic to the loathsome, these stories showcase Junji Itos long-awaited return to the world of horror.