Cartes Postales from Greece (м) Hislop

Описание и характеристики

Week after week, the postcards arrive, addressed to someone Ellie does not know, each signed with an initial: A.These alluring cartes postales of Greece brighten her life and cast a spell on her. She decides she must see this country for herself.On the morning Ellie leaves for Athens, a notebook arrives. Its pages tell the story of a man's odyssey through Greece. Moving, surprising and sometimes dark, A's tale unfolds with the discovery not only of a culture, but also of a desire to live life to the full once more. .
ID товара 2612678
Издательство ВБС Логистик
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-4722-4157-3
Количество страниц 438
Размер 2.8x11x17.8
Вес, г 280


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Одна из многих хороших книг Виктории Хислоп. Читается достаточно легко, лексика средняя по сложности. Думаю, подойдёт даже для уровня английского языка б1. Это истории о путешествии по Греции, которую писательница всегда очень красочно описывает. Эта книга понравилась мне чуть меньше, чем другие ("Остров", "Восход", "Нить"), но тоже заняла отдельное место в сердце. Советую
Week after week, the postcards arrive, addressed to someone Ellie does not know, each signed with an initial: A.These alluring cartes postales of Greece brighten her life and cast a spell on her. She decides she must see this country for herself.On the morning Ellie leaves for Athens, a notebook arrives. Its pages tell the story of a man's odyssey through Greece. Moving, surprising and sometimes dark, A's tale unfolds with the discovery not only of a culture, but also of a desire to live life to the full once more. .