Cambridge Global English. Second Edition. Workbook 4+Digital Access


Описание и характеристики

Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. With varied activities - including quizzes, colouring and completing sentences - these workbooks help your learners practise and consolidate what they have learnt. The activities also support the reading, writing and Use of English strands of the Cambridge English as a Second Language Primary curriculum framework. This new edition provides more grammar practice with a short grammar presentation, followed by activities differentiated into three tiers: Focus, Practice and Challenge. Ideal for use in the classroom or for homework.
ID товара 2998841
Издательство Cambridge University Press
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-10-881088-3
Количество страниц 116
Размер 27.5x21.5x0.7
Вес, г 320
1 144 ₽
1 669 ₽
+ до 171 бонуса
Последний экземпляр
В магазины сети, бесплатно
В понедельник, 20 мая Адреса магазинов
В пункты выдачи, 140 ₽
В понедельник, 20 мая Пункты выдачи
Доставка курьером, 225 ₽
В понедельник, 20 мая Варианты доставки

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Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. With varied activities - including quizzes, colouring and completing sentences - these workbooks help your learners practise and consolidate what they have learnt. The activities also support the reading, writing and Use of English strands of the Cambridge English as a Second Language Primary curriculum framework. This new edition provides more grammar practice with a short grammar presentation, followed by activities differentiated into three tiers: Focus, Practice and Challenge. Ideal for use in the classroom or for homework.