Before the Dawn (RWBY, Book 2)

Описание и характеристики

In the future-fantasy world of RWBY, Rooster
Teeth's hit animated webseries, teens train to become warriors.
Join the fight in this epic official, original novel from E.C.
Myers and RWBY's head writers!
A storm is coming...
After their strange mission in the desert, Coco, Fox, Velvet and
Yatsuhashi are back at Shade Academy, doing some "extracurricular"
work to track down The Crown, a mysterious force that's snatching
up people with powerful semblances. The job should be easier
with Team SSSN by their side, but The Crown continues to evade
them. Out of options and worried that a bigger plot is in motion,
CFVY and SSSN notify Theodore, the Headmaster of Shade Academy,
but Theodore has problems of his own.
Troubled by the disasters at Beacon and Haven Academies and struggling
to support the flood of refugee students, Theodore declares
a new initiation - including the formation of new teams
to better unite the student body. Amid mounting tension at the school,
CFVY and SSSN must contend with unfamiliar teammates and uneasy
rivalries, all while The Crown plots their next move.
Don't miss this exclusive, original story straight
from award-winning author E.C. Myers and RWBY's head writers, Kerry
Shawcross and Miles Luna!
ID товара 2933855
Издательство Scholastic
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-33-830575-3
Количество страниц 330
Размер 21x13.8x1.7
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 270
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In the future-fantasy world of RWBY, Rooster
Teeth's hit animated webseries, teens train to become warriors.
Join the fight in this epic official, original novel from E.C.
Myers and RWBY's head writers!
A storm is coming...
After their strange mission in the desert, Coco, Fox, Velvet and
Yatsuhashi are back at Shade Academy, doing some "extracurricular"
work to track down The Crown, a mysterious force that's snatching
up people with powerful semblances. The job should be easier
with Team SSSN by their side, but The Crown continues to evade
them. Out of options and worried that a bigger plot is in motion,
CFVY and SSSN notify Theodore, the Headmaster of Shade Academy,
but Theodore has problems of his own.
Troubled by the disasters at Beacon and Haven Academies and struggling
to support the flood of refugee students, Theodore declares
a new initiation - including the formation of new teams
to better unite the student body. Amid mounting tension at the school,
CFVY and SSSN must contend with unfamiliar teammates and uneasy
rivalries, all while The Crown plots their next move.
Don't miss this exclusive, original story straight
from award-winning author E.C. Myers and RWBY's head writers, Kerry
Shawcross and Miles Luna!