Amulet Book Five Prince Of The Elves

Описание и характеристики

Emily survived the chaos of the Guardian Academy, but Max Griffin
has stolen the Mother Stone. With it, the Elf King forges new Amulets
that will give him the power to invade and destroy the nation
of Windsor. Emily and her friends lead the soldiers of the Cielis
Guard in a fight to stop him, but Max stands in their way. Emily
seeks information from the Voice of her Amulet, but instead she
discovers the Voice is much more sinister than she ever could
have imagined.
ID товара 2933660
Издательство Scholastic
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-54-520889-5
Количество страниц 188
Размер 22.8x15.3x1.2
Вес, г 439

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2 оценки
Emily survived the chaos of the Guardian Academy, but Max Griffin
has stolen the Mother Stone. With it, the Elf King forges new Amulets
that will give him the power to invade and destroy the nation
of Windsor. Emily and her friends lead the soldiers of the Cielis
Guard in a fight to stop him, but Max stands in their way. Emily
seeks information from the Voice of her Amulet, but instead she
discovers the Voice is much more sinister than she ever could
have imagined.