Alices Adventures in Wonderland

Описание и характеристики

Lewis Carroll's Alice has been enchanting children for 150 years. Curious Alice, the bossy White Rabbit, the formidable Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter are among the best-loved, most iconic literary creations of all time.

Macmillan was the original publisher of Alice in 1865 and is proud to remain true to the vision of its creators. Every bit as iconic are Sir John Tenniel's remarkable black line illustrations, perfectly capturing the combination of the ordinary and the extraordinary at the heart of Wonderland.

This beautiful, celebratory, edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has a gorgeous cover with shiny red foil, and is packed full of fun bonus material, including a quiz, wordsearch and a glossary. Lewis Carroll's classic children's book is brought to life like never before!
ID товара 2890108
Издательство Macmillan
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-44-727999-0
Количество страниц 198
Размер 19.6x12.8x1.4
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
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8 оценок
Lewis Carroll's Alice has been enchanting children for 150 years. Curious Alice, the bossy White Rabbit, the formidable Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter are among the best-loved, most iconic literary creations of all time.

Macmillan was the original publisher of Alice in 1865 and is proud to remain true to the vision of its creators. Every bit as iconic are Sir John Tenniel's remarkable black line illustrations, perfectly capturing the combination of the ordinary and the extraordinary at the heart of Wonderland.

This beautiful, celebratory, edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has a gorgeous cover with shiny red foil, and is packed full of fun bonus material, including a quiz, wordsearch and a glossary. Lewis Carroll's classic children's book is brought to life like never before!