Alice's Adventures Under Ground 

Описание и характеристики

In 1864, Lewis Carroll sent Alices Adventures Under Ground, a handwritten and illustrated manuscript, as a gift to Alice Liddell, the daughter of his Oxford dean. This formed the basis for Carrolls Alice in Wonderland - introducing timeless characters such as Alice, the White Rabbit, the Queen of Hearts and the Gryphon - although it differs considerably from the later work, with the author himself approving its publication in 1886. Alices Adventures Under Ground provides an enchanting glimpse into Carrolls imaginative process, and deserves to be ranked as a classic for all ages in its own right.
ID товара 2641717
Издательство Alma Books
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-84-749777-2
Количество страниц 95
Размер 18.6x12.5x0.9
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 119

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In 1864, Lewis Carroll sent Alices Adventures Under Ground, a handwritten and illustrated manuscript, as a gift to Alice Liddell, the daughter of his Oxford dean. This formed the basis for Carrolls Alice in Wonderland - introducing timeless characters such as Alice, the White Rabbit, the Queen of Hearts and the Gryphon - although it differs considerably from the later work, with the author himself approving its publication in 1886. Alices Adventures Under Ground provides an enchanting glimpse into Carrolls imaginative process, and deserves to be ranked as a classic for all ages in its own right.